Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Oh the "Joys" of Being a Home Owner...

Well not even two months into married life we received the home owner's initiation gift not once but twice...
I'll tell you of the second one first since its the smaller one...almost even a no biggie compared to our first adventure!  It happened on Saturday about 2 weeks after the first "initiation" when we came home to find this:

and it was no small feat to move either (although I don't know actually how heavy it was because I watched those manly men move it from the nice cool side of the window from the comfort of the couch...But they say it was hard and I believe them because it took three of them just to get it off the roof and it's still laying in the flower bed haha!  But hey, at least we have firewood for the winter!

Now the biggie, I am going to start out with a picture since they are worth a thousand words

Now I couldn't get a picture of the hole, but you can imagine how big it is with all that insulation...(which there was more I couldn't get in the picture!)  But let me go back to the beginning.  It all started with just a few drops of water on the kitchen floor which quickly turned into flooding in the equivalent of a gallon an hour!  Well we managed to figure out that it was the AC (which happens to be in the most inconvenient spot in the attic, hidden behind a wall of insulation!) so we turned off the ac and went to paul's parents...When they finally repaired the ceiling a week later the drywall was still wet! It was such a mess (as you can see from above)  But thankfully it is all fixed now and hopefully between the ceiling and the tree we are ahead of the game in regards to home ownership mishaps!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Well life as a married couple is wonderful!  The only regret would be waiting this long to become one!  Our first order of business as a married couple was to make the house our home!  Paul put enough trust in me to let me pick the color we would paint the living room and I chose green.  And this green isn't just a plain green, its what our friends affectionately refer to as "Kermit the Frog" green, but fear not it actually turned out okay!  Once we got all of the furniture in the color was much more soothing.

But from painting this whole room ourselves we learned the value of paying someone else to do it!

Thankfully we didn't have to do  much to the kitchen, I just added so pops of color on the counter.

Here's the other side of the kitchen looking into the dining room.  The little black buffet on the left is going to go to the guest room with baskets on the shelves for storage.

Now Paul was gracious enough to let us paint get a couch in the room before he abandoned all decorating whims to move on to the fish tank.  Now this fish tank was quite a feat to move in.  We built the stand ourselves (with the help of my handy dad) and it weighs over 200 pounds so once we picked its spot it is staying there till we die, because now that it has all the water and rock in it, it weighs over 1,000 pounds!  But I must say, it looks marvelous!  It is so soothing to come home to the sound of trickling water and just watch.  We have learned that even fish have personalities! Its adorable!

Now the next big task to tackle was the office, and boy was it ever a task!  During the wedding and moving process this became the catch all room.  It was utter chaos!  But after a few hours of dedication and perseverance I came out alive and with an organized office!

My favorite part is the built in shelves to hold little knick-knacks!

An a helpful organizational tool was an old hanging shoe rack that I used to hold art supplies, camera chargers and other small (often lost) things. 

Decorating our house together was such a fun experience and really solidified the reality that we are married because at first it just did not feel real!  But now we have a routine to things and life is wonderful!  
Enjoying our real simple kind of love!