Monday, March 7, 2011

So I saw this today on my favorite blog website,, and it just describes me perfectly don't ya think?

I will do absolutely anything to avoid laundry!  I just despise it for some reason.  In fact a basket full of unfold clothes sits in front of me slowly cooling down and wrinkling.  When this happens I just throw it back in the dryer to "unwrinkle it"  (really its just so I can ignore it more easily- "out of sight out of mind")

On an even more depressing note (yes more depressing than laundry) I have jury duty Wednesday :(
It should be an interesting experience to say the least...I'll let you know how it goes

I also found this little cutie on the same blog website!

He is my way of asking you to follow me!  Let me know you read my blog....also feel free to comment! 

Till next time- rae

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Baking Fever

Well the Pioneer Woman has done it again.  It never fails that when I read her blog or even glance at her cookbook I'm overwhelmed with the desire to make yummy foods.  So one can only imagine what happened after I actually got to meet Ree Drummond herself, yes in person! (I'll come back to this heavenly experience in a minute!)  Well after that meeting I had no choice but to succumb to my compulsion and spend an entire day baking and cooking on Monday...which anyone who knows me know that an entire day of baking is unheard of in my life, come to think of it this was the first one.  I made delicious granola bars with trial mix and chocolate chips (chocolate makes all things better and is worth its added calories!)

After granola bars I moved on to dark chocolate peanut butter cookies.  Now you all know I despise peanut butter, but its just so darn good for you and everyone else likes it so I'm trying to overcome my abnormality with it.  The only way I could see to do that was to add chocolate of course.  I'm sad to report it didn't quite work...I guess chocolate can't make everything better after all...

 They only needed a few ingredients which is always a plus with me!

At least they looked pretty!  
(if you chill the uncooked dough in the freezer before baking and then scoop it with an ice cream scoop they stay thick like the delicious bakery ones!)

These bad boys were my favorite creations of the day!
German Chocolate cake mix cookies
They are heavenly!
(and only 4 ingredients...even better!)

okay, lets go back to the woman that made this all possible, The Pioneer Woman!  Love her!  If you don't know her then you are majorly missing out on life! Okay so now that you have a basis on how much I love this lady you have a feel for what it was like to meet her!

Did I mention we were the FIRST people in line to meet her?!  I completely clammed up!  

We also got to meet her husband, Marlboro Man (not the cigarette guy, he's dead)

He was nice enough to tell Katie about his single farmhand, Josh.  Next time we meet him we are leaving Katie's number with him for Josh.  Its happening.

Well this is all I have for now.  And I can't end with a better topic and Pioneer Woman and Marlboro Man- and if you haven't been to Go. Now.  Then go buy both of her books.  You will thank me. 

Till next time ~Rachel

Monday, February 28, 2011

Starting Over

Okay, so lets just ignore my blogging track record from this point forward.  What little track record there was that is.  I'm starting over, turning over a new leaf, and all those other phrases that accompany new year's resolutions.  So I used to think that I had nothing to blog about, I mean who really reads this besides my mom, right?  But then I began reading other people's blogs more and more  (specifically THE Pioneer Woman- love her!)  and I realized that there are some interesting stories in my life to write about....or maybe this is just my inner english major dying to be used, either way, I'm blogging again!

So the biggest update in my life is the newest member of our family!  Little P.J.
Here is a picture of her when we first brought her home!  She was around 5 pounds and a ball of energy!

Don't worry she grows into her ears.  A little.  I mean hopefully...

Fast Forward 3 months and she is 17 pounds! 

So precious.

Okay well I'm going to leave off here because a) I want to keep some stuff to talk about tomorrow b) I have to clean (aka throw laundry into closets) and c) I'm in a baking mood and must go to kroger and buy all ingredients and start before the mood hibernates for the next few months

till next time (whenever that may be) ~rachel