Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Funtivities!

Okay so I know its been a loooooonnnnnggggg time since I've been on here, but I slightly forgot about it until some friends mentioned they kept checking for updates only to find none.  So thanks to Danielle I'm back and hope not to forget again!

Well this weekend was a fun filled weekend of fall/halloween shindigs!  Friday night was a Flannel with Friends party complete with tons of flannel and a bonfire.  Now the premiss was that everyone was supposed to wear flannel, unfortunately I had none but other people in attendance really stepped it up with some great flannel pieces.  I really hope this becomes an annual event!

Saturday night Paul and I went to a wedding shower for Sally Coe and Nathan McBride.  It was so nice to go to a shower where I wasn't the center of attention and I didn't have to worry about knowing who everyone is, and Paul loved not having to walk around talking to people we didn't know and thanking everyone for being there.  Needless to say, it was nice to be A guest and not THE guest of honor.  This shower was especially fun because we got to dress up in costumes.  Now Paul and I had planned on a few great options (including princess Di and her arab boyfriend) we couldn't pull them off and we ended up going back to our trusty 80's outfits. I didn't get a picture but others did and I'll post it when I get it.

Yesterday was the final day of fall festivities.  I went to the Shirlwood house and we make pumpkin bread and watched dawson's was wonderful!  I came home all excited to see all of our trick or treaters, but sadly we only had a few...which is shocking for our neighborhood.  I think next year we need to install some more lights so our house looks like people are home!

Overall it was a fun weekend and I love that its finally getting cool!  It feels like fall!

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